Handcrafted Business/Company Geometric Mandala with a Numerology Soul Reading for your Business included

Handcrafted Business/Company Geometric Mandala with a Numerology Soul Reading for your Business included


Elevate Your Business Essence with a Handcrafted Geometric Mandala and Numerology Soul Reading.

Introducing a transformational creation by Holly that transcends traditional artwork – the Handcrafted Business/Company Geometric Mandala with Numerology Soul Reading.

Envision a 24"x24" canvas adorned with the soulful essence of your business, meticulously handpainted to encapsulate its unique identity. Harnessing the wisdom of the Pythagorean Numerology system, each layer of this 4-layered masterpiece unravels a profound connection between the vowel, consonant, full name, and conceptual birth date of your company.

The central ring, a mirror to the Soul, intertwines the vowels of your company's name, while the second ring delves into its Destiny through its complete name. The third ring uncovers the Life Lesson, embodied in the birth date of your business. The outermost ring captures the Personality, forged by the consonants in your company's name.

As Holly infuses 10-14 hours of intuitive painting, your mandala becomes a sacred tapestry that embodies your business's energy. An intuitive audio recording accompanies this creation, shedding light on your business's soul numerology, essence, and journey. This auditory companion is complemented by meditation music – resonating with your mandala's energy – empowering you to forge a deeper connection.

With a harmonious fusion of acrylic paints, metallic accents, and Swarovski crystals, each brushstroke holds intention, giving life to your business's essence.

Ignite a new level of connection and purpose with your company's Handcrafted Business/Company Geometric Mandala with Numerology Soul Reading. Unveil the possibilities of soulful alignment in business, where intuitive artistry meets strategic growth.

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Dear Holly,

I cannot begin to thank you enough for the beautiful mandala and your sensitive, enriching and uplifting audio. I’ve been excited ever since Charlotte told me about her gift. I have so look forward to your insights. Please let me begin by saying I am both humbled and enriched by your kind words, positive affirmation and healing touch. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have your picture leaning on the top of my desk underneath a lamp and between two windows. The sunlight during the day and the lamplight at night give it two distinct and beautiful auras. It’s great to focus on the crystal. Sometimes I feel like I’m looking at a three-dimensional object from the top to the bottom. It’s like standing way above a Christmas tree and looking down. At other times I envision it from the bottom upward. I am drawn up to the crystal. When I look at it with a “soft gaze” each geometric shape seems to draw me to itself. It’s like the colors and shapes are alive and inter-playing with one another. The painting makes me smile. It’s both fun, serious and reverent at the same time. Holly, the audio that accompanies the painting is lovely. Thank you again for this as well. Your words are very affirming and thought-filled. They help me to be grateful for all that I have received on this journey through life. I’ve listen to the audio now a few times. Each time I hear something new. Though we have never met, I feel like you know me well and that we are certainly connected with one another on a spiritual plane.

So thank you, Holly, for this treasure. The Divine has truly touched your heart and soul and given you a wonderful gift to share with others. I’m so grateful you have shared your gift with me.

Gratefully and humbly,